Site Expansion Expert


Site Expansion Expert Sacramento

Site Expansion Expert Data

Best Cities for Software Engineers

March 30, 2020 |

How can you tell if a city has the right talent for my new location?

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Professional Site Expansion Services

March 25, 2020 |

Workforce Pipeline Analysis • Assess market labor capabilities• Develop workforce strategies• Strategy implementation Incentives • Identify existing incentive programs• Negotiate or create Incentive Agreement(s)• Support execution of Agreement(s) Government Affairs • Establish relationships with key localgovernment officials• Utilize relationships to benefit client• Leverage political visibility to ensurelong-term project success Operating CostsComparing costs across multiple properties and markets • Identify significant cost alternatives• Compare and contrast client’s alternatives• Identify competitive advantages Utility & Infrastructure • Preliminary infrastructure assessment• Develop infrastructure solution plan• Negotiate solutions with local utility providers

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National Trends Matter Locally

March 25, 2020 |

If you own, develop or represent real estate and your focus is to fill them with great, long-term tenants, you already know that corporate real estate decisions are becoming more focused on the potential of the local community than ever before. They now need to consider the ability to have and sustain an employee pipeline, the current status and trend evaluation of the local taxes, as well as traditional real estate trends such as cost and long-term expansion capabilities. The US has more than 380 Metropolitan Statistical Areas with populations of more than 50,000 as of 2017. Business attraction efforts…

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